Birds News by Jason Loghry and Mike Friel
Today was spent almost entirely above 600 meters. Although it was sunny day, temperatures were low at around -4°C. The wind was at times very strong and icy. Still, birds were active throughout most of the day. Dusky Thrush were most numerous (100+), with several large flocks observed moving throughout the mountain range. Naumann’s Thrush were mixed in, some wearing a very attractive plumage, but in low numbers. We were very pleased to welcome the arrival of two of our favorite wintering species, Long-tailed Rosefinch (3+) and Pallas’s Rosefinch (5+). Other species observed include Red Crossbill (2), Eurasian Nuthatch (2), Siberian Accentor (7+), Brambling (45+), and Olive-backed Pipit (10+). The only raptors observed were a lone Cinereous Vulture and a single Eurasian Sparrowhawk.