Tag Archives: Northern Scops Owl

Near Cheolweon, May 22

Bird News from Robin Newlin and Im Kwang Wan

Birds seen (and sometimes heard) included Mandarin Duck, Northern Scops Owl, Black-naped Oriole, Oriental Dollarbird, Daurian Redstart, Grey-headed Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Black Woodpecker. Heard birds included Ruddy Kingfisher, Black-capped Kingfisher, Indian Cuckoo, Common Cuckoo, Oriental Cuckoo, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Eastern Crowned Warbler, Oriental Greenfinch and Oriental Scops Owl.

Northern Scops Owl Otus semitorques, © Robin Newlin

Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius, © Robin Newlin