Tag Archives: Dobongsan

Dobongsan, March 6

Bird News from Robin Newlin

Following directions kindly provided by Dr. Shim Kyu Sik, I visited a small tributary to Jungrangcheon in search of two long-staying and highly unusual winter visitors: a Pallas’ Grasshopper Warbler and a Korean Bush Warbler. The former did not show but the Bush Warbler did. Also in the area: a Eurasian Teal, a Brown Dipper, a White Wagtail, a Eurasian Wren, several Great, Varied, and Marsh Tits, a heard Long-tailed Tit, and a Eurasian Kestrel intent upon Vinous-throated Parrotbills.


Korean Bush Warbler Horornis borealis, © Robin Newlin



Brown Dipper Cinclus pallasii, © Robin Newlin