Daily Archives: 24/03/2013

Yeongjong-do and Seoul, March 24

Bird News from Ha Jung Moon

At Yeongjong-do, I looked around the south-western mudflat and farm areas. There were just a few winter visitors left, but I observed one Relict Gull in 2nd winter plumage, and 3 early visiting Far Eastern Curlew, in addition to several Vega Gull and lots of Kentish Plover.

I could see more people than birds at Gangseo Eco Park. I expected a small number of waterfowl at this time of season, but there were some 500+ at the small region in front of the birding deck. Most of them were Pochard, Tufted Duck, and Mallard with a few Greater Scaup, Northern Shoveler, and Eurasian Wigeon. And the most of the amazing, 1 Barn Swallow observed.

It was late when we arrived at Seonreung, and the light was poor for birding. I could see just a few numbers of Eurasian Siskin, Goldcrest, familiar tit species (Eastern Great Tit, Marsh Tit, and Coal Tit) and a steady finding of our last winter, 1 Chinese Nuthatch with 2 Eurasian Nuthatch.