Daily Archives: 19/03/2013

Dajeo Eco Park, March 19

Bird News by Jason Loghry

It was a hazy afternoon, with a strong breeze and a high of 17 °C. With three hours until sunset (6:34pm), I spent my time near the reed beds of the most upstream portion of the park. Birds seen include Pallas’s Reed Bunting, Common Reed Bunting, Meadow Bunting, 50-100 Buff-bellied Pipit, Dusky Thrush (23 in one flock; a few in flight at dusk, calling), 2 Japanese Quail, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker and 1 White-backed Woodpecker, many Eastern Great Tit, many Tree Sparrow, and hundreds of Vinous-throated Parrotbills. Waterfowl include Eurasian Teal, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, Eurasian Wigeon, Coot, Eastern Spot-billed, and Mallard. By sunset, many birds had taken flight and the reeds were quiet. The only birds to heard were geese and teal flying overhead.

Pallas’s Reed Bunting Emberiza pallasi. Photo © Jason Loghry.

Pallas’s Reed Bunting Emberiza pallasi. Photo © Jason Loghry.

Pallas’s Reed Bunting Emberiza pallasi. Photo © Jason Loghry.