Author Archives: Jason Loghry

Song Do School at IUCN WCC in Domestic Media

Birds Korea, September 10th As reported in blogpost 5775 ( students at Chadwick International School, Song Do (Incheon) have been hard at work during the year, preparing a scientific poster for the IUCN WCC. Under the guidance of science teacher … read more

Public Statement on Inappropriate Trapping of Shorebirds in Yubu Island Ramsar Site

Mr. Spike Millington, Chief of the Secretariat of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership, September 5th 2012. Reproduced with permission. “Yubu Island is Korea’s most important shorebird site and large numbers of shorebirds depend on this area during their migration. It … read more

How to Test Shorebirds for Avian Influenza… Safely

Nial Moores (PhD, Director of Birds Korea), September 5th 2012   Figure 1: A “Shopping bag” of shorebirds: appropriate treatment?  Yubu Island, September 4th, 2012. Image copyright of Lee Jung-Kyu.  On September 4th 2012, two Birds Koreans (Ms. Lee Jung-Kyu … read more

“Waterbirds of Korean Intertidal Wetlands face Extinction”

“Waterbirds of Korean Intertidal Wetlands face Extinction” Seoul Press Centre, 10:00-10:30 September 3rd   Organised by: Birds Korea/ Microhabitat/Soomdo Center Sponsored by: EcoScience Institute of Ewha University/Roots & Shoots Korea Presented by: Honourable Mr. Park Won-Soon, Mayor of Seoul (Video … read more