Author Archives: Jason Loghry

Birds Korea Gallery 2013

Birds Korea, August 18, 2013 The ability to identify birds correctly is essential for understanding and conserving bird species. The art of identification also provides a wonderful intellectual challenge, encouraging birders – whatever our level of experience and expertise – … read more

Igidae, July 24

Bird News from Nial Moores In rather hot (30C), humid and hazy conditions, a quick late afternoon trip out to Igidae. This was both to look for early signs of autumn and also to test out my new “long-loan” scope: … read more

WWT: ‘Headstarted’ Spoon-billed Sandpipers hatch

15 Jul 2013 by Saving the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Twenty critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper chicks have hatched under WWT’s expert care in the Russian Far East. Please read more here: RSPB’s Head of International Species Recovery Team, Dr Rob Sheldon … read more